Good to have this Obama back
hope the president who came out of hiding on Labor Day doesn't go away
Gene Lyons
Meanwhile, the original spineless
Democrat who somehow scares the right to death -- he's a Socialist,
he's a Fascist, he's the Antichrist -- came out of his corner on Labor
Day sticking and moving.
It's about time.
I've sometimes wondered whether President Obama is sufficiently
narcissistic (like all pols, to some degree)
to believe that the healing balm of his personality could create the
kind of bipartisan calm he evidently brought
to the Harvard Law Review. Washington Republicans, however, can't
be reasoned with, only defeated.
Besides proposing a $50 billion road, railway and airport construction
bill Democrats should have enacted
18 months ago, he reminded voters that the GOP drove the economy into
the ditch. Now they want the
keys back. Except they can't drive.
"You know that philosophy: You cut taxes for millionaires and
billionaires; you cut rules for special interests;
you cut working folks like you loose to fend for yourselves," he said.
"They called it the ownership society.
What it really boiled down to was: If you couldn't find a job, or
afford college, or got dropped by your
insurance company -- you're on your own."
Now they vote "no" on bills to keep teachers, nurses, cops
and firefighters working.
Boehner, the would-be House speaker, called them "government jobs," not
worth saving.
GOP to voters: Put out your own fires.
Then Obama mentioned the big thing the GOP always wants voters to
forget: We're all in this together.
"Whenever times have seemed at their worst, Americans have been at
their best. Because it is in those times
when we roll up our sleeves and remember that we will rise or fall
together -- as one nation, and one people."
It's good to have this Obama back. And it's crucial that he not go back
into hiding.
I wonder if Gene's been reading
"The president
finally came out of hiding" sounds a lot like,
"When the hell will he wake up
and come to work?"
So please don't attack my good friend Gene for seeing things
the same way I do.
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