we all went Crazy
Mostly, for refusing to
fight back
There is almost no downside if
you want to make an extreme claim about Barack Obama.
You generate outrage from the left but you get attaboys from the
conservative base.
Is this different than the rewards
that liberals got for making extreme claims about
legitimate charges against Fuhrer
I think it is, because the
conservative media -- Fox, talk radio, all the way down to forward
e-mails -- is a fantastic
transmission device whose consumers are ready to believe that the rest
of the media is lying to them. There is really
no downside for Frank Gaffney when he says that Obama or his nominees
are bringing radical Islamic law to America.
It gets to the conservative base, which makes it a "controversy," which
means that the rest of the media has to cover
this Very Important Issue Americans Are Concerned About.
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