Obama moves farther right... The latest poll on jobs and the
economy has a clear message for the President and his party: The bottom line? Obama's in danger
of moving in a direction that will lose everybody he needs. They said after Reagan was shot, he figured God has some "master plan" for him. Obama seems to be acting the same way. Ever since he was sworn in he acts like his presidency is on auto-pilot and all he has to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. He doesn't want to come to work, he doesn't want to fight for Democratic principles, he just wants to be popular and he wants the racist, snarly dogs to accept him. He also seems to strongly agree with whoever the last person he spoke to, and lately, that always seems to be a Republican. I'm worried about this State of the Union speech. Obama seems to think "working together" means agreeing with the enemy. If he proposes cutting Social Security and Medicare, will the Left run a primary opponent against him next year? Even a faux opponent might deliver the message: Act like a Democrat! It pisses me off that we won the last presidential election but we still ended up with a Republican president. How many primaries would Obama have won in 2008 if he'd told us then what kind of president he would be? |