Subject: If you don't like socialism...
Stop driving on public streets, highways, freeways
and any other roadway built, maintained and monitored by taxes.
Stop sending your children to public schools.
Don’t call 911 to get help from the police, fire
department, or an ambulance.
Stop using electricity, water, and sewage from
public works.
Stop buying food and taking medicine that is
regulated by the FDA.
Stop cashing your Social Security or unemployment
check and shred your Medicare/Medicaid card.
Don’t file for unemployment benefits, food stamps,
or any other form of government assistance.
Stop using the public library.
Stop working for any employer who pays a federally
guaranteed minimum wage or complies with OSHA standards.
Stop going to state or national parks or forests
while on vacation.
Stop taking your children or dogs to city parks
to play and stop walking on public sidewalks.
Don’t buy any house that was built, plumbed,
or wired to code.
Stop buying goods or services that are required
to meet minimum safety standards.
Don’t join the military or go to jail where everything
you need is provided.
If you’ve been in the military, don’t use any
of your benefits (Veterans’ Hospitals, GI Bill, etc.).
Don’t use a public defender, court appointed
lawyer, or the court system.
Stop using the United States Postal Service to
send mail and packages.
Stop complaining to the FCC about TV shows that
you don’t like.
Stop doing anything that could be monitored by
the NSA, FBI, or CIA.
Don’t expect FEMA to help you after a natural
Andrea the Anthropologist
Here's one for Arizona: Stop waiting for the feds to build your
dang fence.
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