caught voting twice
"I can only vote once?"
California Gov. Arnold Musclehead had some trouble
with "a ballot mishap" in Los Angeles.
Poll worker Keta Hodgson says a scanning machine
rejected Schwarzenegger's first ballot
Tuesday because the ignorant fool selected two
Senate candidates, instead of one.
Hodgson says the clueless oaf was given the choice
of filling out a new ballot
or not having his Senate choice count. He cast
a fresh ballot.
"I was tinking about da tiddys" he told nearby
"Tiddys come in twos, dat's why I voted twice."
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is the
front-runner on Slave Owner's ticket
for U.S. Senate, which means her ass will be
kicked by Barbara Boxer in November.
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