My sister has left Obama
Maureen Dowd
One of the independent voters Obama
will be trying to charm over the next two years is my sister, Peggy,
a formerly ardent Obamican (a Republican who changed spots to vote for
Obama). Disillusioned with her
beloved W. over Iraq and the disdain for bipartisanship, she gave cash
to Obama in 2008. Despite being a
Washington native, Peggy believed that the dazzling young newcomer
could change Washington. But she
has lost a lot of faith now, saying she might vote for Mitt Romney over
Obama in 2012.
Peggy thinks the president has done fine managing W.’s messes in Iraq
and Afghanistanbut she thinks Obama
has to get "a backbone" if he wants to lure her back to the fold. "He
promised us everything, saying he would
turn the country around, and he did nothing the first year," Peggy
says. "He piddled around when he had 60 votes.
He could have pushed through the health care bill but spent months
haggling on it because he wanted to bring
some Republicans on board. He was trying too hard to compromise when he
didn’t need the Republicans and
they were never going to like him. Any idiot could see that.
Obama tries to compromise too much, and he doesn’t look like a strong
I don’t watch him anymore. I’m turned off by him."
So why can't Obama see what every other American seems to see?
He stubbornly continues to engage in a useless debate with the snarling
I've been saying it since at least August 2009 - now
everybody's saying it.
When is Obama going to take off the Pollyanna glasses and see the truth?
Is David Axelrod telling
him he's doing a great job?
Is Rahm Emanuel telling Obama
he's doing a great job?
Who is telling Obama,
"Everything is working
Back in 2008, Obama said he wanted dissenters in his cabinet, like
Lincoln had,
so how did he get surrounded by people who only say, "Great job, Mr
He can't see what's in front of him.
Hell, he can't see the past, either.
How did our president become blind?
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