for GOP: Stopping Palin
Maybe the Publicity Whore just needs a hug
There is rising expectation among
GOP elites (ha
ha) that Palin will probably run for president in 2012
and could win the Republican nomination, a prospect many of them regard
as a disaster in waiting.
Many of these establishment figures argue that Palin’s nomination would
ensure Obama’s reelection,
as the deficiencies that marked her in 2008 have shown little sign of
abating in the past two years.
"There is a determined, focused establishment effort ... to find a
candidate we can coalesce around who
can beat Sarah Palin," said one prominent Rethug. "If she gets the
nomination, Obama would crush her."
This sentiment was a nearly constant refrain in Politico interviews
with top advisers to the candidates
most frequently mentioned as running in 2012 and a diverse assortment
of other top GOP officials.
Nearly all of these interviewees insisted on keeping their views on
background, fearing the wrath of
conservative grass-roots activists who are enthralled with the former
Alaska governor and who have
made plain that the establishment’s disdain for Palin and her devotees
is mutually reciprocated
As I said last week, there's a foregone conclusion among GOP elites (ha
ha) that Palin
will get the GOP nomination
- so what can they do to stop the unstoppable?
Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll come as a huge surprise to this bumbling
White House.
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