Obama-Clinton in 2012 "No one in the White House is discussing this as a possibility," inept Robert Gibbs told CNN. "There's absolutely nothing to it," senior adviser David Axelrod told the Washington Whore Post. The denials follow comments made by Bob Woodward in which Woodward suggested that the White House is seriously discussing Joe Biden switching roles with the current Secretary of State. "It's on the table," Woodward said yesterday. "Some of Hillary Clinton's advisers see it as a real possibility in 2012." Another perfectly idiotic move from this politically tone-deaf White House. You say you're trying to energize your base, but you kick them in the teeth, instead Throwing water on one of the ONLY
exciting glimpses into the future is another self-inflicted disaster. but why would you want to excite 50% of the people you need to help you win? A. You could've ignored the rumors entirely. B. If they were smart (Should I bother to finish?) they could borrow from Spock in that episode where he "accidentally" used the "Vulcan Death Grip" on Kirk and say, "It would be illogical to suggest that all things remain constant over time" and breathe some life into that rumor, but this president and this White House CAN'T THINK. C. Why can't our side think? D. I'm not saying it's true or even that is SHOULD be