- acting like George McFly
by Bob Cesca
More often than not, I've attempted
to give Obama the benefit of the doubt, both in terms of policy and
That's not to say I've embraced every idea -- I most certainly haven't.
But even when I've vocally disagreed with
a policy position, I've attempted to see the wisdom and pragmatism
behind the president's choices.
But this week I have no blessed clue what the hell he's up to.
I've tried to look at this from every angle and each one leads me back
to weak, weak, weak.
He's following rules that no longer exist, pandering to voter attitudes
that will have zero consequence in terms
of both his approval numbers and his reelection chances. He's
completely off the rails -- well beyond any notion
of post-partisanship. In fact, if his intention has been to "change the
way Washington does business," he's currently
and epically failing because I simply can't believe that the new and
improved way is this way.’
He looks like he's unable to handle
negotiations. He looks like George
He's capitulating to a fraternity
of hooples who are wrong about everything; who deny basic economics;
who deny basic math; who exist for no other reason than to, as DougJ at
Balloon Juice described,
win elections "by fighting hard over imaginary issues."
In other words, the Republicans have constructed a political and media
machine that allows them to function
with impunity. All of cable news is packed wall-to-wall with
Republicans who robotically repeat the same false,
fact-free ideas over and over -- and they're given complete latitude
because of the press's self-flagellation over
the myth of the "liberal media."
what are we going to do?
Do we do nothing and hope we're wrong and that Tally and The Daily Brew
are right
when they say Obama's doing a good job of pushing the liberal agenda
What if The Daily Brew and I are right about Obama beating Palin in
That means what - an agenda of constant
surrender to the GOP until 2016?
If the GOP owns Obama, why
would they want to run against him in 2012?
Palin won't do what
The Bitch and The Boner tell her to do - she'll have her own
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