Subject: Obama and race I have a question. Could a Tulsa weatherman go a week in
July without saying, "It's hot?" Just
on the off chance that some of us sincerely do oppose quadrupling the
budget deficit, To suggest he's doing that for fun makes me wonder how sincere you are. When you go to the dentist, is that proof you enjoy pain? To suggest our health care system didn't need fixing makes me wonder how sane you are. If you are so wealthy you don't need insurance, I could see your point, but most of us need insurance because a trip to the hospital could bankrupt mosty families. Do you actually believe that if your gal Hillary had been elected and implemented a similar agenda, conservatives would be any less irate? Or would we seamlessly transition from being racist to being misogynist? The second one. Your side can't attack on the facts so you
go right for the color and the misogyny. Were you against decifit spending when
Bush turned Clinton's surplus into a deficit? If that's not about race, what's it about? I criticize Obama, too and nobody's
calling me a racist (lately) because I list the things If
you set aside the racial angle just as an intellectual exercise, could
you still defend the Obama record? At his Tuesday press conference, Obama said the Republicans who co-sponsored a financial bill dropped their support when Obama said he agreed with them. They have so demonized him that anyone caught agreeing with him gets thrown out of the party. Is that Obama's fault? > Your
party's position is that Obama is more dangerous than Al Qaeda, the
Russians and Hitler. If
his opponents were well-meaning patriots instead of deplorable
stormtroopers who masturbate while If your side could put down the glossies
of the Fuehrer we might find out. Do you realize that Reagan would be too
liberal for today's GOP? I think Democrats are going to do OK in