war on Abortion
ACLU not happy with Obama's new rules
After all of your hard work
defeating Rep. Stupak's draconian abortion coverage ban, Obama is
to voluntarily bring the ban back to life in the new insurance pools
for people with pre-existing conditions.
This is deeply troubling. Not only should every woman be able to decide
what is best for her health and her family,
but women participating in high-risk insurance pools are particularly
vulnerable and may have a special need for abortion.
For example, because of the restriction, a woman with heart disease or
diabetes might be compelled to carry
a pregnancy to term despite its potentially damaging effect on her
future health. What's more, this ban is more
restrictive than the abortion provision that will govern the exchanges
once they are established: It does not allow
states to choose to cover abortion, and it does not give women the
option to buy a plan that includes abortion
coverage using their own money.
Ask President Obama WHY his administration is restricting coverage for
vulnerable women.
Abortion in High Risk Pools
Dear President Obama and
Secretary Sebelius: [Decision Maker],
I am deeply concerned by your recent decision to voluntarily and
unnecessarily exclude abortion from the
services covered in the
newly-created high-risk insurance pools. Women participating in
high-risk insurance pools
are particularly vulnerable
and may have a special need for abortion. Because of the restriction, a
woman with
heart disease or diabetes
might be compelled to carry a pregnancy to term despite its potentially
effect on her future health.
Or, a woman who is diagnosed with cancer and needs an abortion before
can get treatment might be
forced to delay care.
Is Obama's presidency radically different from the
presidency he envisioned for himself?
It would seem there are at least two possibilities:
is quite surprised that his administration ended up as far-right as it
He misled us all during his
campaign and always intended to disappoint his base.
What do you think?
I have an opinion on that, Bart
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