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Palin, Beck and Whore TIME 
 How low can TIME Magazine go?


Time Magazine once again brings us their list of the 100 most influential people of the year. And once again 
they include some sour notes that evoke a tortured combination of laughter and groans. By naming Sarah Palin 
and Glenn Beck as “most influential” Time is courageously cutting against the grain. After all, Palin received the 
Lie of the Year award from Politifact last year. And Beck was Media Matters’ Misinformer of the Year.
But perhaps the funniest part of this year’s worst honorees is the people selected to honor them.
Sarah Palin, number nine on the list, received an adoring tribute from the Motor City Jackass, Ted Nugent. 
Palin must be so proud to be praised by the has-been rocker whose last album featured a woman in bondage, 
on a platter like a pig, with a hand grenade stuck in her mouth...

Nevertheless, Time has seen fit to honor both Palin and Beck. It’s hard to see what Time regards as influential 
when both of these people have higher unfavorable ratings than favorable, and most of the country/world pays them 
no attention at all. Even a majority of Republicans think that Palin is unqualified to be president and Fox News left 
Beck off of their new ad promoting the network as “The Most Powerful Name In News.”

But that’s Time Magazine for ya.

Whenever you think of a news organization in today's whore America, you have to remind yourself that they're NOT 
in the news business any more than FOX, CNN, the Whore AP or any of the networks are in the news business.

They are in the business of generating income thru sales and subscriptions, just like Archie comics,
and they know if they praise Palin and Beck, their sales go up with Teabaggers.

It's kinda scary living in a world where the TV and newspapers flat-out lie to us every day.

Remember how we used to make fun of Pravda and Tass for being puppets of the government?
Now we have that, but the lying puppetmasters are Wall Street, BIG oil and the BIG banks.

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