To Headline Gun Convention The Republican's relentless
Publicity Whore recently announced plans to deliver Wait, I think I just figured something out. Gun nuts can't hold a convention without that nutty-ass Publicity Whore any more than MTV could host a "Tribute to Snooki" without Paris Hilton. For the last five years, if Paris Hilton wasn't at your TV taping, it wasn't a "real" event. Just try to open a nightclub in Vegas without Paris being there - it'll bomb for sure. In that same vein, you can't have a convention of stressed-out racist handjobs without Palin. She drags in the insane kooks and their guns like nobody else in the GOP. But I wonder... Is there going to be a metal detector at this "celebration" of gun rights? Why is it, every four years when the Rethugs hold their NaziCon to nominate a white man to run for the White House, they ALWAYS have metal detectors at the door so nobody can sneak in a gun - I wonder why that is? Why celebrate guns by banning them from the celebration? And how thoughtful of Sarah to accept this invitation just nine days after denying she had anything to do with the massacre in Tucson. Sarah is so sensitive to the victims of gun violence. |