'Mama grizzlies'
Publicity Whore making more wild claims
The Publicity Whore claimed on Friday that "mama
grizzlies" will help Republicans win this November,
sweeping away the agenda of President Barack
Obama and the Democrats. She didn't say where she
parked the Wabac Machine, but obviously it was
Addressing an anti-abortion group, the Spotlight
Chaser also said she understood how some women
might consider abortion, citing her own experiences
as the mother of a child with Down syndrome and
the parent of an unwed teen mother. Last year,
Palin said that "for a fleeting moment" she considered
having an abortion when she learned of her son
Trig's prognosis. Palin said Friday that abortion is
morally wrong and women should carry a fetus
to term.
You thought about murdering your potential grandchild?
Good thing your principles kicked in before you wrote that check,
eh Sarah?
Palin challenged GOP Stepford Wives - 'mama grizzlies",
she called them - to help the GOP
"take this country back" as soon as someone can
figure out what the hell that means.
Wait - who should your followers vote for - Teabaggers
or Rethugs?
Why are you taking money from Teabaggers if you
want to see them defeated in November?
Oh - that's right - you're a money-grubbing
She praised female leaders of the tea party movement
and invoked her NaziCon 2008 speech
where she compared herself to a bitch in the
pit bull family.
"You don't want to mess with moms who are rising
up," Palin warned them.
'If you thought pit bulls were tough, you don't
want to mess with mama grizzlies.'
Yet, Rethugs line up by the thousands to hear
this dimwit speak.
First Reagan, then Dubya, and now Palin?
Why does the GOP always fall in love with the dumbest candidate in the
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