ching chong racism
I'm not sure what is more
appalling: Rush the Pigboy's 30-second-long imitation of China's
President Pigboy's
audience is mostly racist sons of bitches and Pigboy is smart enough to
know that. It's bad enough that Limbaugh went
there. But it's much worse to contemplate that his show Exactly - his devoted fans live
to hear his next racist rant. But if you want a reality check as
to exactly how low the leader of the GOP can go, check it out. Pigboy's racist streak is as long as it is wide. Eighteen years ago, Clinton's Surgeon General was a Black doctor named Jocelyn Elders. One day, for some reason, Elders mentioned one of the world's great guitar players but she didn't get the name quite right, calling him "Eric Clapner." Rush thought that was the funniest goddamn thing in the world so he played the clip. Again and again he played her mistake - for WEEKS and then for MONTHS. His message? "Dumb nigger bitch can't even pronounce 'Clapton,' THAT'S how stupid the dumb nigger bitch is." He'd play the clip and then sit there and laugh and laugh at it, reminding his racist audience that niggers are sub-humans who don't really belong in White America like the Rethugs do. Nevermind that Elders was an accomplished medical doctor and the vulgar pigboy was a druggie college dropout, none of that mattered while Rush was giggling at the dumb nigger bitch. America is maybe 40% racist sons of bitches and Rush plays to that crowd, all the while explaining to them that his talent is on loan from God. Translation: GOD knows ignorant nigger bitches don't deserve our respect so we might as well mock them, just like Jesus would. Perhaps Dr Elders was studying her medical books in college while druggie Rush was getting high and listening to rock & roll and learning the guitar players' names. |