that Day, 9-11
William Rivers Pitt
Nine years, four national
elections, two wars and two presidents since that day, and where are we
now as a nation?
Broke, deranged and dangerous pretty much sums it up. We have
Christian-Taliban pastors in Florida
with filthy souls threatening to burn the Qu'ran, as if such an act had
any meaning beyond a desire to
make money, and a national news media apparatus all too happy to give
them all the ink and air time
he could ever wish for.
We have seething crowds threatening
arson and murder because a Muslim community center might
get built next to a (Titty bar)
on the site of a defunct coat store. We have national caricatures like
Sarah Palin
charging people more than $200 for the chance to meet with her on that
day, as if she has any significance at all.
We've got stabbings and beatings
and firebombings, and this is nine
years later.
We are a nation of euphemisms now.
It's not spying on the American people, it is "national security."
It's not holding someone in a hellhole without charges or trial, it is
"indefinite detention."
It's not kidnapping, it is "extraordinary rendition."
It's not murder or assassination, it is "targeted killing."
It's not torture, it is "enhanced interrogation."
It's not wildly and patently illegal and immoral on its face, it is
...this, from a Democratic president?
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