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Subject: the porn on your site

Hey Bart, BC Hotties?

My husband sent me your site to check out, and I was just enjoying it so much until I
scaled down to the BC hotties part. I was wondering what this has to do with government,
and also why are you advocating the treatment of women as only sex symbols.

What do you think about the liberation of women? 
I did not realize your site was used to view porn.

You lost me. but I am sure my husband will remain a fan.
I don't see how you can take yourself seriously.

Sue, you are wrong as rain, but it's just your good luck, I'm here
to straighten you out and your education won't cost you a dime.

This is the picture that set you off?


If that's porn, I must assume you're writing from Saudi Arabia in the year 1922...

I could show every picture ever puiblished on BC Hotties
to Mrs Bart's mother yet YOU see PORN here?  

Do you know what porn is?
I do - and it looks nothing like a woman in her twenties in a colorful dress or a swimsuit.

The Sears Catalog has more "porn" that we have here.

You ask what those pictures have to do with government?
Not much, unless someone like you tries to outlaw pictures of pretty girls.
I'll bet Focus on the Family thinks pretty girls are porn, too.

I assume you only watch G-rated movies?

Have you ever been to an airport newstand?
You know all those magazines they sell?
I'd say 80% have a pretty girl on the cover.
Tell me, are you boycotting airports to protest their "porn?"
What part of a pretty woman repulses you?
Don't you know that sexual atraction is what makes the world go round?
You and I wouldn't exist if our fathers weren't "interested in porn."

Sexual attraction exists - its a real thing.
Calling human nature "nasty" makes you sound like a Republican.

You asked why I advocated "the treatment of women as only sex symbols."
Are you a lawyer? 

You sure sound like one and I've never met a lawyer who could debate. 
With your conclusion-jumping ability, maybe the Olympics is for you.

Then you asked,
"What do you think about the liberation of women?"
I'm all for it - does that mean they have to hide under their burkas?
Then you stated, "I did not realize your site was used to view porn."
That's when I knew you were not from this century

Tell me, why would your husband send you to a porn site?

The answer is HE DIDN'T and you know that, and I know that, and Bob Dole
knows that and the American people know that but for some reason, you're
semi-hysterical because you saw a picture of Rihanna with her clothes on?

Then you wrote: "You lost me."
No Sue, you were lost before you got here.



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