How Rand
Paul's civil-rights views escaped media scrutiny
I'll bet you know what's coming even before you click
The editorial board of Louisville's Courier-Journal
didn't mince words following its sit-down with Rand Paul last month.
Much of what he supports, it wrote, "is repulsive
to people in the mainstream," including "an unacceptable view of civil
And yet Paul's view that the federal government
should not have the power to force integration on private businesses —
part of
1964's landmark Civil Rights Act — didn't get
the attention of the national press until (after he won)
(Watch Rachel Maddow tear Paul a new one)
Paul subsequently changed his position Thursday,
after an intense 24 hours of media fallout.
Rand Paul didn't "escape" media scrutiny.
The dirty-legged whores who own the media love
this Teabagger nonsense.
It makes for great TV when some toothless, inbred-caveman
screams "Nigger" at the White House
while holding a broken sign that says "Down
with HELTH care."
Who wants to hear Obama say, "Our
shared goals are greater than our differences?"
Get some screaming Teanaggers on the screen so
we can liven-up this broadcast!
Now they're all standing around asking,
"How did this happen?" but that was their
Like some tawdry reality show on FOX, the whore
media's job is to manufacture conflict.
If they can get a crazy handjob like Rand Paul
or Sarah Palin elected, they'll have wild stories for years.
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