VA Bans 'Christmas' This year, a company which took
over sponsorship of the annual Richmond, Virginia, Christmas parade 1. Who gives a fuck what they call some damn parade? 2. The American Handjob Asssociation is LYING - nobody "banned Christmas," as you claim in your trying-to-stir-shit-up e-mail. 3. Dominion BOUGHT the Christmas parade title. They can name it "Daffy Duck's Fourth of July Parade" if they want. It's called "the free market" - why do you hate America? 4. Your handjob club is in Colorado Springs. Why is it so important to you that 1,480-miles away Richmond, Virginia name their parade what YOU think it should be called. 5. Don't have have anything else to protest? How about those rapist priests? 6. Where in the Bible does it say "You have to call it a CHRISTMAS parade?" 7. Why do you hate Jews and African-Americans? 8. You stir shit up for a living? Why not get a REAL job? Or does stirring-shit-up pay good? 9. There is no God. Shame on you for stealing from the logic-challenged. 10. I saw a gay guy at Home Depot. You'd better get right over there, Asshole. >