That's it for the other one Interesting.
Your banana shtick is
incoherent, Bart.
I can see how it might be incoherent to a Monkey like yourself. As a Monkey, I'm sure you like bananas - all Monkeys do. I dropped a hint on how to keep your food fresh - 'cause I'm a nice guy. And leave the Dallas Cowboys out of your defense. I didn’t bring them up, so it’s interesting that you scapegoat them to defend the indefensible. Scapegoat? Do you know what that word means? You claim I don't like Eldrick because of his race. So why do I dislike the Cowboys? Because of their race? You don't even understand how stupid you sound. You want to accuse me of being a racist but you can't figure out how to launch that missle. You are a fucking toady
You are an Eskimo named Fargwart. Gee, it's fun making shit up. Let’s see, “get home from the jungle with your bananas, RMann”. It doesn’t get much more racist than that. So now bananas are racist? Do you know what the word "racist" means? I've called Bush "Der Monkey Fuhrer" for ten years and I didn't even know Bush was Black!! Sorry, Monkey, you struck out. Yet you pose teabaggers
with their racist signs as being...,racist,
as if you’re somehow removed from them. So, now I'm a Teabagger? Good luck making that stick. If you made a sign of your words above, and replaced the name of our president instead of mine, then we would have where you are coming from as regards your boot-black, Eldrick. If I made a sign of YOUR words, then I could see how somebody might call me a Teabagger. I’m saying you hate
tiger woods BECAUSE he happens to be both black and Asian.
RMannWhy not claim I hate him because his name has ten letters? You can't just grab accusations out of the air and pretend they're valid. Besides, I don't ever think I said I "hate" Tiger Woods, but I hate the fake, bullshit hype the whore media once had for him. And the only way you can show your racial disdain on your site is by calling him "Eldrick”. I guess it beats using the N-word, right Bart? "Eldrick" is the name his parents gave
him at birth, Would you be a racist if you called me Bart? |