Screw women's rights
They're staring to reveal
Leave it to Antonin "Three Fingers"
Scalia to argue that the Constitution does not, in fact, bar sex
Even though the court has said for decades that the equal-protection
clause protects women (and, for that matter, men)
from sex discrimination, the outspoken, controversial Scalia claimed
late last week that women's equality is entirely up to
the political branches. "If the current society wants to outlaw
discrimination by sex, you have legislatures."
What if current society wants to get back into lynching Black men for
looking at white women?
Do we "have legislatures" for that, too?
To anyone who has followed Justice
Scalia's brutish career, his latest "fuck you" to women should be no
It's been more than four years since he answered a reporter's question
about his impartiality in religion cases with a
"Ba fongoo, asshole" under-the-chin hand gesture that some commentators
said was a Sicilian obscenity.
(A Supreme Court spokeswoman
insisted the gesture was "dismissive" but not obscene.) And it's been
about as long
since Scalia called his refusal to recuse himself from a case about
Cheney's energy task force - after he had just
gone on a duck-hunting trip with Cheney - the "proudest thing" he has
done on the court.
See how they are?
Our guy is begging the Bitch
and the Boner for permission to be president, while
they openly break the law and tell anyone who asks about it to go fuck
What will we do if those racist, arrogant torturers get back in power?
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