Souder And
Ho made Abstinence Video
Talk about hypocrisy and stupidity combined
Cuter than Ted Haggard's meth dealer...
Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) had an affair with staffer
Tracy Jackson. Jackson played the role of interviewer
for a Souder Web video show on the issues of
the day -- including one on the value of abstinence.
Dubbed "Congressional Update with Congressman
Mark Souder," the show hit on issues like intelligent design and fencing
the border.
In the November 2009 abstinence video, Jackson
introduces Souder this way: "You've been a longtime advocate
for abstinence education and in 2006 you had
your staff conduct a report entitled 'Abstinence and its Critics' which
discredits many claims purveyed by those who
oppose abstinence education."
What a moran!
That's about as dumb as Ol' Bart making an anti-poker, anti-tequila,
anti-Shirley Manson video.
Click on the Link
to watch the video.
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