calling GOP 'hypocrites'
It's not that Republicans aren’t
hypocrites - it’s more the label just isn't an effective dig.
First, hypocrite is a fancy foreign Greek word like amnesty, ethics or
Europe – how is that
going to appeal to Republicans? Second, espousing virtues you don’t
personally have to
live up to is basically the point of being a Republican.
Talker Rush Limbaugh, speaker for Republicans everywhere, famously
railed against drug users
and called for harsher sentencing for possession when it was
fashionable in the ‘90s. Then in 2006
Limbaugh was arrested and went to rehab after losing his hearing as a
direct result of his long-term
drug addiction. Needless to say, he’s cool with hypocrisy. He even
thinks hypocrisy is a good thing.
During South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford’s “Appalachian Trail” love
affair last year, Limbaugh
defended the bastard, telling his audience, “Hypocrisy shows that there
are moral values in a culture.
Without moral values in a culture it would not be possible for anyone
to be a hypocrite.”
Yes, according to the vulgar Pigboy, personal choice doesn’t make you a
hypocrite – society does.
Calling a conservative "hypocrite" is like calling a progressive
"liberal": It stings, but they don't
actually understand why it’s supposed to be offensive. The GOP doesn’t
see self-contradiction
as a moral shortcoming. They see people who don’t agree with them as a
moral shortcoming.
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