We're NOT racists, not like everybody says...
Several prominent black Republicans (ha
ha - Seriously? Any of them elected Republicans?)
defended the "Tea Party" against
charges of racism Wednesday as a long-simmering debate over the
small-government movement's motivations burst into the open.
Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele (R-Tom) said the NAACP was
guilty of "name calling" when the civil rights group
passed a resolution at its national convention this week calling on the
Tea Party to denounce "the racist element" among its ranks.
Tim Scott, who is vying to become the first black Republican in
Congress since 2003, accused the NAACP
of "stereotyping a diverse group of Americans." He won a South Carolina
GOP primary last month with Tea Party support.
NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said his organization does not
believe that the Tea Party movement is racist,
but that its leaders have allowed "racist factions" to persist.
"What we take issue with is the Tea Party's continued tolerance for
bigotry and bigoted statements," Jealous said in a statement.
"The time has come for them to...make clear there is no place for
racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in
their movement."
The Tea Party is "allowing those racist elements to have a sense of
legitimacy," said Arturo Vargas of the National Association
of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. "That is dangerous."
Fueling the accusations: The hostility by some Tea Partiers toward
President Obama, the nation's first black president.
The NAACP blog posted photographs of signs at Tea Party rallies that
featured crude caricatures of Obama and racial epithets.
I saw a debate yesterday on CNN.
Some Teabagger Republican, maybe from SC, was attacking the NAACP,
saying "Even
their name is racist!"
Then he accused the NAACP of "being an
organization of race baiters," which proves he likes Blacks.
They remind me of Ted Haggard's anti-gay
"We're not racists,
we just hate niggers."
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