White, rich & racist
Despite their apparent anger over
government spending on social programs,
(Translation: We hate niggers) the vast majority of tea party
participants have
never worried about putting food on their family, according to a new
In a survey of Americans who voted in 2008, the nonpartisan group
Project Vote
found that, by and large, those sympathetic to the tea parties were
white, wealthy
and racist, whose political views represent approximately 29 percent of
the electorate.
By comparison, blacks, youths and low-income voters, who turned out in
record numbers
to support Obama, make up 32 percent of the electorate -- and their
views could not be
any more different than their conservative, racist counterparts.
Poor people outnumber the rich by
at least ten-to-one, so why can't
the majority vote for the Democrats and crush the billionaire appeasers?
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