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Teabaggers score another victory
But they beat GOPers, how is that a victory?


Teabaggers scored another victory on Tuesday, helping to propel a Palin-endorsed nobody, Christine O’Donnell,
to an upset win over popular Mike Castle in the race for the GOP Senate nomination in Delaware.

Mr. Castle, a moderate, two-term governor who had been reliably winning elections for the last four decades,
became the latest establishment Republican casualty. Republican leaders, who had actively opposed Ms. O’Donnell,
said the outcome complicated the party’s chances of winning control of the Senate.

I don't know Bush about Delaware politics but they say O'Donnell has zero chance in November,
meaning they traded a certain GOP seat for a Democratic one - thanks, Teabaggers.

Ms. O’Donnell, a former abstinence counselor who's never held office, won the endorsement of Sarah Palin,
Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina and other leaders of the party’s conservative wing.

So why are Palin and DeMint running against the GOP?
I like that, and I'm, not supposed to like what insane right-wing handjobs do.

“People said we can’t win the general election; yes we can!” Ms. O’Donnell said with a straight face.
“It will be hard work, but we can win if those same people who fought against me work just as hard for me.”

The results on the last big night of primaries highlighted the extent to which Teabaggers have upended
the Republican Party and underscored the volatility of the GOP electorate seven weeks from Election Day.

O’Donnell’s victory touched off a new round of recriminations among Republicans over the direction of their party,
raising the question of whether there was still room for moderates and whether the drive for ideological purity would
cost the party victories in November. The state and national Republican Party had mounted an aggressive campaign
to defeat O’Donnell, with Castle unable to rely on independent voters who have long formed his base of support.

The Independents won't vote for O'Donnell which means the Teabaggers are
playing the Nader role to split the GOP vote so science-based Democrats can win


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