Those Wyly Billionaire Burglars
They bankrolled Bush's smear campaign
by Greg Palast
Sam Wyly is one of the planet's
"Ten Greenest Billionaires," according to Forbes.
And, the magazine should have added, the one that deserves the most
prison time.
Yesterday, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged billionaire
Sam and his brother Charles
with a stock market fraud which sucked over a half billion dollars out
of their victims' pockets.
That's nothing. The SEC has only uncovered the rattling tale of the
Wyly snake.
This billionaire boys club is best known for backing the smear campaign
against John McCain
credited with giving Bush the nomination for President in 2000.
In 2004 they backed the
Swift Boat smear on John Kerry.
But who backs the Wyly's?
Their "green energy" business is funded by an oil company which has
- and here's your hint - gone way Beyond Petroleum.
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