Subject: Vaporizers....
An “herb” vaporizer is a pretty simple device.
THC boils at 157 °C (315 °F).
What the vaporizer does is to heat your herb
to a point where it doesn’t burn
but where the THC boils off into a kind of “steam”.
This “steam” is captured by the vaporizer and
you inhale it directly.
What’s left is the unburned herb, minus the boiled-off
THC (i.e., useless hemp)
I think that's what I've been getting - someone
else's used Vapor droppings.
Vaporizers can be a little tricky to get used
For one, you take tiny little “hits” from the
trapped steam (which is invisible)
rather than deeply inhaling as you might with
a “bong”. Also, because you aren’t
burning anything, there is no smoke, no smell
of smoke and the taste takes some
getting used to (like eating parsley).
You can use just a pinch at a time because you’re
getting ALL of the THC the pinch can deliver.
No need to go with a $300+ vaporizer.
As long as it brings the herb to the THC boiling
point and captures the steam,
there isn’t anything else that a $300+ vaporizer
adds to the experience.
A $50 vaporizer can do the same job.
Dennis in DC
Pro tip: before vaporizing, grind your
herb as finely as possible - to an almost powder consistency.
Some shops will also sell essential oils you
can add to the mix to enhance your yield or flavor.
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