is Obama's Offense?
He's playing nothing but Defense by
Mr. Buzzflash
Early on in John Kerry's campaign
for president in 2004, BuzzFlash wrote an editorial
advising him to define his opponent or risk being defined as a
He didn't listen and got Swiftboated upside his head.
The Republicans, with the help of some in the corporate media, created
an image of Al Gore
as an exaggerator and worse in 2000. He didn't listen either.
Now, Obama appears to have fallen victim to the same lack of savvy and
on the part of Democrats to go on the offensive and lead public opinion
He, too, appears to perennially - with few exceptions - lack the
conviction to dispel the lies
of the Republicans and attack his opponents with the truth. There seems
to be no disciplined
message, no understanding of the power of the media to echo key phrases
and values.
As BuzzFlash has said many a time, if you repeat a lie five times it
becomes the truth.
That's the modus operandi at Fox and with the GOP - and it works for at
least half the
American population. "Reality" consists of falsehoods delivered through
coordinated right-wing
media shills and Republican politicians until they come to be perceived
as "the truth."
Mr. Buzzflash's title for this article is When Will the Democrats Stop Playing
All Four Quarters of the Game on Defense?
But Obama is our leader -
if Democrats are surrendering up-front, it's on Obama's orders.
Take Harry Reid, he says he's OK with extending the Bush bastards' tax
cuts for the super-rich.
That means Obama is OK with that and that's another surrender in advance.
Considering Buzzflash's vigorous and full-throated cheerleading for
Obama in 2008,
I can under stand why they'd like to spread some of that blame around,
but the fact remains
that Obama is our leader and he's not doing a very good job of leading these
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