Why Is Anyone
Still Catholic?
If anyone else did this, you'd quit them, right?
Why are you still Catholic?
I don't have to tell you about the rash of child-rape
scandals in the Catholic Church. I don't have to tell you about
the cover-ups, the shielding of child rapists
in the priesthood from law enforcement, the deliberate shuttling of
child-raping priests from town to town to protect
them from exposure -- thus enabling them to continue raping children.
I don't have to tell you about the Church using
remote, impoverished villages as a dumping ground for priests who
raped children. I don't have to tell you that
this wasn't a few isolated incidents: it was a widespread, institutional
practice, authorized by high-level Church officials.
Including Cardinal Ratzinger -- now Pope Benedict XVI -- who,
among other actions taken to protect child-raping
priests, delayed the dismissal of a child rapist in the priesthood...
for the "good of the universal Church."
And I'm just focusing on the child rape scandal.
I'm not even talking today about the other recent scandals in the
Church: the gay prostitution ring, the Church
banning the use of condoms in Africa to prevent the spread of AIDS,
the rape of nuns by priests and the ignoring/
concealment thereof.
If these scandals had taken place in any organization
other than a religious one -- would you still be part of it?
So, why are you still Catholic?
Are you still a Catholic?
Want to write in and say why?
damn proud to be a Catholic, Bart!
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