does Charlie get sympathy Looks like that briefcase full of
cocaine "hernia" won't prevent Charlie Sheen Objection! In recent years no stars (with the
possible exception of the oddly lovable Objection! Lindsay has recently completed
court-ordered rehab and seems to be staying sober, So, how is their wild-ass
speculation any different than yours? Meanwhile, Charlie's well-known
drug problem appears to be growing worse. That I believe it's customary to show the scar when you get out. If Charlie has one, will you apologize with all the vigor you slandered him with? B. I have a theory about that New York hotel room. Hookers are notorious for robbing their customers. (So I've heard :) Rumor has it his wallet disappeared in the room so, semi-naturally, he suspected her and got angry so she hid in a bathroom and called police. I imagine the "destroyed hotel room" was nothing more than couch cushions pulled out so he could find his missing wallet. Most stories about Charlie include
the euphemism "he loves to party!" And who doesn't? his show was funny, but it was on against something else we watched so I never saw the show but now they're doing reruns 3-4 times a day and I'm catching up. Of course I don't endorse his ALLEDGED violence against women, but many single men who make $2M a week - and have for years - might enjoy having a six-pack of hookers at Hefner's $25,000 a night suite in Vegas. Is this just a matter of jealousy? I suspect one of Charlie's biggest "crimes" is enjoying "less government" in Las Vegas. And I can't think of one hueueueueuge difference between Charlie and Lindsay: Nobody in Hollywood will hire Lindsay (she can't be insured) while Charlie is bringing in maybe $5M a week for CBS in a bad economy. Also, according to the producers, Charlie shows up to the set every day, sober and on-time to work. Another difference: Charlie parties behind closed doors - that's a lot different that getting super-drunk in public then getting pulled over for DWI and when searched, they found coke in Linday's pants - - - and you know what her excuse was? "These aren't my pants!" ha ha ...swear to Koresh, that's what the police report said. She said she was drunk and naked at this party and some lady she wanted to talk to left, so Lindsay grabbed the first pair of pants she could find and chased her out the door. ...and this writer finds Charlie's excuses too wild to believe? Last thought: Isn't it weird how Charlie essentially plays himself on the show? He's a richer-than-God drinks-too-much womanizer who runs thru 2-3 women a day and if he comes up short, he hires 3-4 hookers and they all have a great time. TV Charlie, deep down, has a heart of gold. Real Charlie, I'd wager, can really turn on the charm when he needs to. When the last time someone mentioned Lindsay's "charm?" Last time I saw her, she went before the judge with "Fuck you" written on her nails. Would Real Charlie ever do something that stupid? Of course, after this was written, Charlie checked into rehab - again. If anybody needs some good luck, it's Charlie Sheen. |