Subject: Con
I have a real problem with candidates who are
abusing God for political purposes. I am an Atheist
but even as an Atheist I can see that if I were
a believer, using God for political advantage is disrespectful
of the deity they claim to believe in. I would
think if I were running for office and believed in God
I would be a lot more respectful. I sure wouldn't
be using his name to try to sucker people.
John McCain, for example is claiming that he prays
every night the United States doesn't go to war
with Iran while looking for a way to start a
war every chance he gets. Barak Obama is now playing
the God card hoping to find religious Democrats
who will buy his story. Mike Huckabee told the
National Rifle Association that he believed that
there will be duck hunting in Heaven.
Many Christians might be gullible enough
to believe every politician who whips out a Bible and starts
proclaiming a personal relationship with whatever
deity they are posing with that day. I'm a Atheist,
you have to show me. I know that the believing
world doesn't want to hear this but I can spot other
Atheist by they way they behave. In of all the
presidential candidate there are no believers. At best
some of them are Agnostic. Some of them might
even be in religious denial. But most of them are just lying to you.
When I hear a politician lie to me in the same
sentence that he uses God that doesn't tell me that
Christians are dishonest. It tells me that this
politician isn't a Christian. It tells me that they are willing
to use God's name to deceive people. If you do
that then how can you say that you believe in God?
So when I see people who I can spot as an Atheist
lie to me using God's name in the same sentence
just to sucker me into voting for them or giving
them money, as an Atheist I find that religiously offensive.
I think even fictional deities deserve more respect
than that. As a Realist I'm looking for someone who
is going to tell the truth no matter what religion
they are.
I'm not offended by the deity, I'm offended by
the lie. Don't lie to me.
Marc Perkel
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