Subject: choke them off? Bart, you wrote: > We own Afghanistan and Iraq and the Persian Gulf, so why not choke them?" Spoken like a true imperialist in the vein of the Torture Monkey. A nuclear Iran is a real threat.
You have either lost your mind or have sold out
to the DNC, foundation money mania.
Because we disagree, I'm a sell-out whore?
Then you wrote: > The alternative is allowing them to nuke Israel and that wouldn't be fun. Israel is sitting on shit pot of nukes in complete
violation of International law, and you are talking about
You need to calm down and look around and tell
me what you see.
Bart, thy name is whore, and I am removing you off my favorites list. I can't stop you from doing that, but could you
at least articulate the reason?
It is a shame to see a fellow pot smoking Zephead whore himself out, and advocate murder. One of us is completely crazy and I'm betting
it's you.
Are you under the impression that we can wish
this problem away?
Do you realize that only the religiously-insane want a nuclear war in
the Gulf?
We're arguing about two different things.
Iran's nukes are coming online and you want to
argue about the way things ought to be.
Iran's nukes are coming online
How does my recognizing the danger that you can't
see make me a murderer?
This is a lot like Waco.
My motive for saying we're about to have a nuclear
war if Obama doesn't back up his threat?
I'm truly saddened by this split. The split between your position and sanity?
Or do you not mind if Israel disappears?
You used to be so fucking cool. More insults - is that all you have?
Bye Bart, you have forever been tainted.
Andy, I plead quilty to speaking the truth and being able to back it
You won't do it but I'd advise you to move to Earth.
After a year of diplomacy that didn't pay off, Obama has to do something
about Iran.
But calling me names doesn't solve the problem, does it?
So, like I always do, I reached out with a lack of hostility and a hint of humor, saying: Andy, I'll print that.
Without seeing my replies to his first e-mail,
Your comments should be under MM.
You think stopping Iran from getting nukes is about "empire expansion?" I wonder how much Yellow Cake Iran gets from Niger?
So, "Obama is
...but if it makes money - let me know :) And you can forget ten years of crippling sanctions, so you can blame Jeb for the invasion. Blame Jeb for invading Iraq? I would
- if I thought I could get away with it.
BTW, the fence-sitting judges in our debate just
made up their minds.
These cats are operating on a time table, that
doesn't have ten years, this will go down under Obama's watch.
"If only" Obama could have another 9-11? I know you can't see it, because it's that awful
religious insanity clouding your mind.
Bottom Line I'm not your enemy in this matter.
Iran's nukes are coming online That's the crisis you need to deal with - and
your refusal to recognize reality
I should've punished you more for that...but it's
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