Subject: it's Clinton's fault Bart, Bill's infidelity led to Bush's killing
4000 soldiers, 1,000,000 Iraqi's and
ha ha
If Bill had kept his dick in his pants - no Monica, no Tripp, no impeachment. They were always going to impeach him.
Clinton had the most ethical administration in
decades but they
Bill campaigns for Gore and Gore is the next president.
If Gore wins - no 9/11
Clinton couldn't pass wind without being investigated by the feral right wing animals. Wait, suddenly you're making sense - what happened? So, what does the stupidest president in American
history do?
Having sex is not a good reason to impeach a president.
They tried every day of his presidency to nail
him but they had nothing.
Actually, he never had sex with her - that's why
she called him "the creep."
Besides, who's business is it if the president
has sex?
That is his legacy. George 'the halfwit' Bush. Actually, Clinton's legacy is his and Der Monkey's leagacy is Der Monkey's Two terms of utter insanity and destruction of
our country.
As I've said all along, even when she was a 20-30 point favorite,
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