Subject: I Don't Hate Hillary,
But ...
Hey Bart,
Here's my take on the Hillary issue, for what
it's worth.
John Edwards was right to say his vote was a mistake.
He was lied to, just as everyone was being lied to,
including Hillary. That, however, is only a rationalization.
Saying that Hillary voted they way she did because
New York was attacked is also a rationalization.
Most of Hillary's responses to questions from voters have been
rationalizations, because she has not only not
been willing to admit her vote was a mistake, but apparently does
not want to address the fact that something
was deeply and fundamentally wrong about that vote.
If Hillary were to say, "I
was wrong," what would change?
Would the Hillary haters (not you) say,
"Well, then, by golly she has my vote?"
No - they'll either change the reason they hate
her or they'll say,
"How can we elect someone who's always making
stupid mistakes?"
As Senator Byrd pointed out, it was not only the
constitutional right of members of Congress
to question Bush's actions, it was their responsibility.
So why didn't Byrd lead the filibuster?
Why is Byrd squawking now, after the damage has
been done?
Was he expecting the freshman senator to lead
the charge?
Only Congress under our constitution has the power
to declare war, but they let that power slip from their hands.
Hillary and the other members of Congress who
voted for that resolution abandoned their responsibility and in effect
handed a loaded gun to someone incompetent to
wield it.
A. Nobody thought Bush could screw up this
B. Tony Blair was screaming
"Saddam launches 45 minutes," so where's
the time to debate?
C. Wasn't 1941 the last time congress declared
I do not question the sincerity of those
who voted in favor of that resolution, but on constitutional grounds alone,
it was a mistake of fatal proportions.
I remember back at the car lot, years ago, I wrote
about Vic the Racist.
I'd come back from lunch and Vic would say, "Your
wife is on Line 2."
I'd pick up the phone and it would be dead -
and Vic would laugh for 15 minutes.
Was it a "mistake" for me to pick up the phone?
Or was I misled by a dim-witted prankster?
Some people ( not you) act like all we need for
Peace on Earth is for Hillary to say she made a mistake,
but she's so damn stubborn the soldiers continue
to die and the war rages on until she comes to her senses.
I fail to see the value in such a phony apology
- beyond petty politics.
If she says, "I
made a mistake," FOX News will put that
video on a loop with an echo and we'll hear,
"I made a mistake, mistake, mistake,
mistake, mistake, mistake, mistake," more
than they ran the video of Bill hugging Monica
on that stupid rope line.
Why are some Democrats almost desperate to get
that footage for FOX News?
What value is a mea culpa from someone
who was mislead?
To put this into perspective, it would have been
a mistake no matter who sat in the Oval Office.
No president should have been given such unlimited
powers, not even an FDR, a Truman, or a Bill Clinton.
The fact that Hillary cannot seem to acknowledge
either the mistake or its implications is deeply troubling to me.
So it was a mistake for me to think
my wife was on the phone?
She's already said, "If I had to do it over again..." which suggests an
error was made,
but what value is it (beyond FOX News cackling)
to get her to say those words?
PLUS, if she does apologize, they'll say,
"She didn't go far enough!" and they'll
"This troubling confession raises even
more questions about her shaky judgment."
Then what?
What does she or the Democratic party or America
gain if she does that?
I think we'll have to remain out of agreement
on this one.
So who am I going to vote for? I like the way
Obama fights back, I like the way Edwards talks straight
from the shoulder, and I like the way (mostly)
that Hillary does her job. Can we possibly get a candidate
with the qualities of all three rolled up into
one? Probably not, but at this point I know only that I will watch
all of the candidates on the campaign trail,
and make my decision most likely when I enter the voting booth
on the day of the Pennsylvania primary.
I definitely will not be voting for any third
party or independent candidate, especially not Ralph Nader.
Certainly if Hillary turns out to be the
candidate, she's got my vote. I hope if and when she becomes
president she will understand and respect the
limits of her power, and the constitutional checks on it,
unlike the current squatter in the White House.
Wait, are you asking her to surrender the
powers that Bush stole?
I'd like to see her abuse those powers for a
term or so to teach the bastards a lesson.
I'd like to see Hillary's administration read
every piece of Bush's mail and listen to every phone call
he and Cheney and Rummy and Rice make in the
next six years or so - until the Fascist bastards say,
"Enough! We were wrong! No more Imperial Unitarian
Keep hammerin'
Ann in Philly
I will, and thanks for arguing like an adult.
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