Liddy started it, followed by Ollie North, and then
our Lying Nazi Whore took it to full flight.
Limba, especially, put his credibility on the line.
Ollie North, who remains the symbol of Semper Fi, even after
telling his Commander-in-Chief Ronald Reagan to fuck off,
was beating the drum like there was no tomorrow:
"Fat-cat donors and political contributors have been granted
exceptions to be buried in places like Arlington Cemetary."
No "maybe" about it.
No "reportedly" granted the exemptions.
No "perhaps" about the accusations.
All three big-money whores reported this as rock-solid fact.
And the ditto-monkeys ate it.
Not only did they eat it, but they ate it with a big fucking spoon.
It doesn't matter if it's true, we're talking about the
President of the United States, so there's no need to check
any facts or even any need to say "some people alledge."
I'd never heard of Insight Magazine before, the magazine that
"broke" this story from "unnamed sources." I understand Insight
is an offshoot of the Moonie empire, like the Washington Times.
As always, Rush Limba was the worst of the bunch.
"Dozens of big-time Democratic donors bought their way
into Arlington, and Bill Clinton was their salesman."
Rush spent all day Wednesday, all day Thursday and all day Friday
giving his listeners an "accurate account" of Clinton's crimes.
Fat Bastard accused Bill Clinton of:
-selling Arlington Cemetary, grave by grave
again and again
(Remember, He's America's Truth Detector)
-peeing on the graves of our fallen soldiers.
over and over
(Remember, it takes COURAGE to hear the truth)
-mocking the most sacred, hallowed ground in America
over and over
(He's NOT making this up.)
-taking blood money to finance Hillary's agenda
again and again
(He's the Turnpike of Truth)
-laughing at America's most sacred values
over and over
(Courage, courage to hear the Truth)
Over and over,
again and again,
to highly-impressionable sheep
Feedbag, you're a bad, bad man.
Didn't your mother ever teach you about shame?
How different would your life have been if your momma
washed your filthy mouth out with soap a time or two?
Whipping those ditto-monkeys into a frenzy with lies.
Don't you have any sense of decency?
Buried deep?
Friday, amazingly, Whaleboy started hedging his slur:
"YOU PEOPLE better watch out
and not get
too upset about this until
we find out if it's true!!!!!"
(Isn't that just what 60 Minutes did?)