Today's Amazing Astrocat Bonus
Photo... Along the Dempster
Dempster Highway
going through Richardson Mountains, on a good day.
Last night, drove over Wright Pass, the continental divide, during a
storm that was both a hair raising and nerve wracking experience.
Slippery thick mud, slush, ice, snow, gale force winds with horizontal
rain and snow,
and at the very top THICK fog. For about 2 hours had to drive very
slowly in 2nd and 3rd gear,
praying all the way for traction and no breakdowns.
Stopped at Rock
River late last night for a little sleep and made it back to Eagle
today with yet another! flat tire this morning which I again repaired
with a plug.
The truckers all call Wright Pass "Hurricane Alley" because 80mph winds
frequently encountered. Driving in the far North is not for wimps :o)
New set of tires when I get to Fairbanks.
Sept 11, 2011
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