Picking wild blue berries at Nome Creek
Alaska with Astrocat
Old timers are saying this is one
of the best berry seasons in recent years - probably due to
a very wet July which broke rainfall records for interior Alaska. The
berries are big, plump
and literally falling off the bushes. Decided to take a Sunday drive to
Nome Creek and to
pick a few berries myself - it was a pleasant drive up the Steese
Highway into the
White Mountains with a beautiful sunset on the way back home.
Nome Creek
I think I ate more berries than I bagged :)
Loaded blue berry bushes
I think the red berries are either
Moose berries or wild cranberries - in any case, they don't taste very
good :)
Alaska cotton is in bloom
Beautiful White Mountains Sunset
Astrocat, those were great, thanks.
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