ROOM" is where it begins and ends!
There was a secret meeting of the Super delegates
in DC yesterday.
We have heard our entire lives' 'if you want
something done right you need to do it youself'. After years
of playing by the rules, doing what was asked of us by candidates and organizations
and a political party - where has it gotten us or Hillary for that matter?
The final push to get Hillary out is upon us. Women may have lost the battle BUT, they certainly do not have to lose the war. IT IS NOT OVER! It is not over unless, millions of strong women decide to throw in the towel when we are almost there - YES, we are almost there. So, do NOT give up now. Do not let them win the war. If women retreat now - it will take decades to recover. For those of you that have experienced child birth - remember those last few centimeters before you were finally to the point of pushing to give birth. It was painful and you wanted to give up but, you had no choice. The same applies now. There really is no choice to give up unless you want to see all of the work that women have done over the decades go down the drain. In about 9-months from now - there is a major event happening for women that will give them more political power than EVER before. And, even though this event - for strategic reasons - is not ready to be announced yet, it would be a major missed opportunity not to put the word out to the millions of women that are feeling disenfranchised on this very day so they may begin to find out for themselves what they could do that is POSITIVE and HOPEFUL and the REAL ANSWER to finishing the work of women in politics to give them power. For women to have real power - women need to be in the "back room" and not JUST on the frontlines of a campaign or in the voting booth. Real power is in the planning of who will be running for office long before the Primary season begins. And, painfully - many of our citizens have just found out this cruel but, real fact about our political process in America. Another fact to share; the real power in government is NOT with the President but, with the Congress. The Congress is where issues are debated, bills are drafted, and policy is made. ALL CONGRESSIONAL members are up for re-election in 2010, including some of your favorites whether that is Nancy Pelosi or someone else. Every single seat! Women, is it time to CLEAN HOUSE?
2010 is when women WIN! After reading many blogs and websites and hearing
from many people that they wished there was somewhere for them to go or
that a new party or movement would be formed - then please do not despair.
Careful thought and strategy has been and is being applied to a movement
that women will be at the forefront. After all, the men have had
the power for over 200-years and where has it gotten us? Kindly,
we would like to give them a break!
EXAMPLE: How many of you last Saturday had your popcorn ready anxiously waiting and waiting and waiting for the Rules Committee of the DNC to come back from their lunch break so you could watch democracy at her best - open and inclusive for all to watch?? On this very important day of all Election days - instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop - or waiting to see what is expected of you next - do what Hillary has taught women to do in the face of uncertainty and tough times. Get up, dust yourself off, and TAKE ACTION to quietly - behind the scenes - show the DNC, NARAL, and the media who REALLY has the last word. Email wppconference@gmail.com for more details. It is TIME to do things differently in politics. Insanity: doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different results.
While you may be feeling anxious, sad, rejected, and even depressed - this is not the end - this is a bump in the road that has re-energized the women's movement and that is a POWER to be reckoned with. So, to my fellow females - please do not give up hope. I, for one of MANY, know about the movement that has been in the works for sometime now and I just want to pass along a little bit of sunshine to you on a day that may not feel very bright by telling you THERE IS REASON TO HAVE MAJOR HOPE. It may not seem like it today but, soon you will
be laughing and working together and making a real difference that CANNOT
be taken away from you. I encourage you to email your contact
info to the above email address so the people in the movement may get info
out to you about what is about to happen with politics in America.
I promise, it will make you feel better. It has me!
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