bc: Thought you might enjoy this. I
caught that shithead Horowitz lying on Michael Reagan's talk show today and
called him on it thanks to your link and Salon.com. I'll forward you any
response I get back if he has the balls to respond.
take care,
Dave from Sacramento
----- Original Message -----
From: David Barbour
To: warroom@dhorowitz.com
Cc: dtalbot@Salon.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 6:35 PM
Mr. Horowitz:
Since "lying pig" is one of those dramatic
phrases you seem to enjoy using the most, I hope you won't mind me referring
to you as one as well since I've caught you in an outright lie on national
radio. I will not give you the benefit of the doubt that you are merely an
uninformed idiot since you would be loathe to grant Bill Clinton the same
During your guest host stint today (4/25) for
that other pillar of intelligent discourse, Michael Reagan, you stated that
Elian's relatives in Miami were "law abiding citizens who have never broken the
law." Later on in the program, a caller asked you if you considered DUI's
breaking the law. You dismissed the caller's accusation and decried the
liberal smearing that apparently only liberals engage in. You may want to
ask John McCain if he's ever been smeared by someone other than a liberal
Well, Mr. Horowitz, if you would bother to take
a look at Salon, you know, that left-wing website that pays you to
write hyperbolic drivel for them on a regular basis, you'd know
that they did a story back on April 8 that revealed the facts on those
abiding citizens who have never broken the law". Please take a deep
breath (i know you're so outraged by the Clinton Justice Dept.) and click on
this http://w
ww.salon.com/news/feature/2000/04/08/family/index.html and
then let me know if you can refute the facts presented here by one of your own
employer's with some of your famous unbiased meticulous research.
You will find out that Elian's angelic relatives are not only repeat
drunk drivers, but some of them have had felony arrests and one even had a
restraining order placed against him. I'm sure if you find out this
article is full of libelous "liberal smearing" that you will promptly quit
taking paychecks from this online rag as you are such a righteous,
moralistic voice for America.
Sorry, Mr. Horowitz, the b.s. you're slinging
on national radio proves that you in fact are a "Menace to America".
Looking forward to your reply.
David Barbour
Sacramento, CA
P.S. I'm also sure that you'll want to
write a column taking the "liberal media" to task for not reporting these sad
facts about that family that was only "armed with love" more widely.