1. There was no URL provided, that means nobody, not even a Freeper,
is willing to put
their name on this load of shit.
2. Janet Reno is too smart to call anybody "Minister of Justoce."
From: lkilbride@mindspring.com
By Janet Reno, Attorney General 1993-2001
as told to Larry McNichol, investigative reporter
No way Reno wrote any of this, but it makes the Freepers hard to think she might've.
Most people think that the biggest felony
made by Bill Clinton might be that
he swore falsely under oath in the Lewinsky
affair. But this is peanuts
compared to the real crimes, yet undetected
by most American people.
It was in Oxford as a student Clinton came
to hear about the One World
Government for the first time, and what
was required to be a member of this
New World Order. In an interview in 1994
Clinton said that he'd known about
the "Shadow-government" already in his
youth, and had been very enthusiastic
to get an entrance into the "Inner Circle"
and from there have the
opportunity to participate in decisions
regarding the future of the world.
He succeeded! The "President-maker" David
Rockefeller met Clinton in the mid
80's in Arkansas to prepare him for what
was to come. The State of Arkansas,
by the way, is a major seat for the Brotherhood
elite. The south branch of
the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has its
center here, and from this area
Albert Pike (33 degree Freemason) created
the Ku Klux Klan.
Yes, we all believe Clinton is a KKK man.
Jesus, when you guys tell a lie, you never get within 100 miles
of the truth.
If Clinton was a bad man, why can't you see how much you're helping
by making the most absurd accusations that couldn't possibly
be true?
You make the legit criticisms pale.
Clinton worked himself up rapidly and became
a governor of Arkansas.
As a governor Bill Clinton committed a
series of high crimes, related to his
Illuminati connection. He became the leader
of a gigantic network which
dealt with drug-smuggling, laundering of
drug-money and corruption in general.
ha ha
What a load of horseshit.
I assume they'll be listing the "series of high crimes," with
A good friend of Clinton from Arkansas,
Larry Nichols, was interviewed in a film.
Clinton thought that Nichols would keep
his mouth shut, but he didn't.
Who can testify what Clinton thought?
He was hired by Clinton and had found out
that Clinton's firm, "Arkansas
Development Finance Authority" (ADFA),
laundered drug-money. Cocaine to a
value of $10.000.000 (ten million dollars!)
a week was flown in from Mena
Airport in Arkansas. The money was laundered
via ADFA to a bank in Florida,
to a bank in Georgia, to Citycorp in New
York, and from there it was
transferred out of the country. All this
regarding to Larry Nichols.
Yes, this explains why Clinton has never had any money.
Clinton's best friend, Dan Lasater, led
the operations. Lasater and Bill
Clinton's brother, Roger Clinton, later
spent time in jail due to drug related crimes.
Correction: Clinton turned both men in.
And who says Lasater was Clinton's best friend?
He was Roger's coke dealer.
The Chief of Police in Arkansas at that
time, Doc Delaughter, said he had
gathered information from many persons
in Lasater's surroundings, how he
smuggled drugs and abused young girls
sexually. During those investigations
Doc was harassed by persons from his own
police department, paid by Clinton.
ha ha
This is the funniest "expose" I've read so far, except he forgot
"raped teen virgins on the Governor's mansion dining room table,"
Bill Clinton created new laws that helped
"Tyson Foods" to be the biggest
company in Arkansas. The owner, Don Tyson,
received a loan from the
Clinton-owned ADFA, but never had to pay
back. Doc says he has evidence
enough against Tyson to start an investigation
regarding illegal drug-trade.
Nichols says in the film:
Yes, it's just too bad nobody is willing to help this man get
Bill Clinton.
The GOP had too much respect for the Oval Office to look into
these matters.
The first loan ADFA approved was to "Park-O-Meter"
... When I investigated
the company, I found that the Directive
Secretary and cashier was Webb
Hubbell ... Guess who wrote the law proposition
... which made ADFA
possible. Webb Hubbell. Guess who drove
the law proposition which looked
into- and admitted (Park-O-Meter's) request.
"Rose Law Firm" (owned by
Hillary Clinton). Who signed the admittance?
Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton.
Excuse me, is that an accusation?
If so, did you forget to list the crime?
Nichols said that when journalists started
investigating the loans to "Park-O-Meter",
they discovered that the company did not
make parking meters, but removable airplane
nose-cones, delivered to the air-field
in Mena. The equipment was used to smuggle
narcotics into the country, and with this
Clinton and his companions participated
heavily to the pushing of street-drugs
in the USA.
Yes, Jerry Falwell used to sell videotapes that cliamed Clinton
made $100,000,000
EACH MONTH from this massive coke smuggling ring, which, again,
the hundreds of millions that Clinton doesn't have.
Nichols says further that Clinton most of
the time was involved in drug trade and the
people he surrounded himself with followed
him all the way to the White House.
ha ha
When Clinton became President he elected Webb Hubbell as the Minister of Justice(!).
Minister of Justice? What country
has a Minister of Justice?
You'd think Janet Reno, the former Attorney
General, would know the proper names
of the offices that these "criminals" held.
This wasn't written by Reno.
This wasn't even written by an adult.
Hubbell had to go back to Arkansas, though,
to plead guilty to
having cheated customers of the "Rose Law
Firm" on $500.000.
ha ha
You mean while making $100,000,000 per month from cocaine,
Hubbel needed more money, so he stole from his law firm?
This is too goddamn stupid to be real.
Maybe the largest drug smuggling event in
the USA history started in 1982 on
Mena Airport by Barry Seale, pilot for
the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA!!!).
He had had problems with the authorities
in Louisiana, so he moved his dirty
business to Arkansas, where he could work
un-desturbed. Seale said later in
a police investigation that he had used
nose-cones to smuggle drugs (Park-O-Meter).
ha ha
If these CIA planes landed in Mena at night, why bother with
hallowed-out nose cones?
Where were the security guards they were trying to fool?
In Columbia?
This was the usual litany of "strange deaths," such as Vince Foster,
who Hardon Kenny
says committed suicide. These right-wing crazy Freepers think
Starr was in on the scam, too?
The director for Clinton's Finance-campaign Committee, Ed Willke, was shot with a hail-gun.
ha ha
I've never been shot with a hail gun, but I'll bet that hurts.
But - how do they keep the hail from melting before they pull
the trigger?
Are the guns refrigerated?
But why hasn't Clinton been thoroughly investigated
and put to trial when so
many people knew about the crimes? Larry
Nichols might have the answer:
Yeah, why hasn't there been any investigations into Clinton?
Why is his 20-year crime spree gone unreported?
ha ha
You'd think the press might like a story with a crooked governor/president,
raping teen virgins, murdering his enemies and all the other
Why hasn't Clinton been thoroughly investigated?
Wheb did Reno supposedly write this, before she met Clinton?
If sol, why'd she take the job when he offered?
You guys are more nuts than a Planter's factory.
When Clinton moved into the White House,
he continued as before. He is just
one more of the top controlled Presidents,
whose purpose is to make way for
the New World Order and the new slave
community. When Richard Nixon resigned
in the 70's the Brotherhood took over
the USA with the help of Henry
Kissinger and Nelson Rockefeller. Since
then there haven't been any true
democratic elections in the USA. The
Presidents have all been selected
carefully by the Illuminati, with David
Rockefeller on top. The "free"
elections are just something for to
keep people busy and to make them think
there is a choice. As a matter of fact,
no candidate will make it to
Presidency if he hasn't got the support
from the Illuminati. Such candidates
will be ridiculed, lied about or financially
overthrown already early in the campaign.
ha ha
Stop it!
Another peculiar thing about Clinton
has to do with Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Hot Springs is a city that has 47 thermal
springs which has brought the jet
set from all over the world. The mafia
with their night clubs made the city
a hot bed of vice, gambling and prostitution.
During the 1920's the
territory was so popular with organized
crime, that the criminals considered
the area to be "neutral ground" like
they did Hollywood. In the early 60's
Hot Springs had the largest illegal
gambling operations in the entire USA.
Clinton's uncle Roy was a politician
in Arkansas's legislature connected to
all the named mess. And Bill's uncle
Raymond Clinton, who had a Buick
dealership, was tied to all this corruption.
Bill and his brother Roger's cocain
habits are well known by people who
were connected with them, but how
many knows about Bill's and Hillary's
connection with the Illuminati?
ha ha
I think there's a tear in the foil under your hat.
Hillary is sometimes called the "dragon
lady" behind her back - for good
reasons. Now it seems like the Illuminati
is laying their cards on her to
make a real politician out of her. She
has been the "poor victim" for Bill's
sexual behaviors and got the American people's
sympathy and envy, as she
seems to be a very strong and loyal woman.
In fact she is as much involved
as her husband and we can only hope she
won't be the first female president
of the United States. The only person
to feel sympathy for in the Clinton
family is their poor daughter, who has
to live with this viciousness.
No, no, no.
We hate Chelsea, too, remember?
Also, Bill is closely connected with
Charles "Chip" Whitmore, who is a
Satanist and Programmer for the Illuminati
and probably has MPD. Bill and
Chip have often met on a weekly basis
over the years. They still do; when
Bill was in England Chip was there too,
when Bill went to Florida so did
Chip. Chip was also a drummer for Jerry
Lee Lewis, who also is a Satanist
and a programmer. He was also a friend
of Jack Ruby. Chip had a programmed
girl murder a man, and then the Illuminati
Network got him off his murder
charges. He has also been in charge
of assassinations in his area, and
controls the local law enforcement in
That makes sense - Clinton murdered JFK, too?
So it doesn't matter if Clinton resigns
or not, as the next representative
of the White House will be just another
of the many Illuminati-created
Presidents. In the background the current
Vice President Al Gore is
preparing himself to take over after
Brother Bill - Gore being a 33:d degree
Freemason of the Scottish Rite and with
a doubtful background ...
Or will we all be surprised by having
Hillary Clinton as a candidate?
Time will show ...
Larry, you have sent the most ridulous article in the history
of bartcop.com
This false, insane bit of idiocy would make me vote for Clinton
if I hated him.
I printed this to show how out-of-touch your reality is.
I'll pray for you.