Subject: Benny the Rat vs the rest of the
Church I attack the rapists and the
people who cover up for them. Here
is a pivotal question. Is the Catholic Church the few in the
exclusively male hierarchy, I have no ideas why you
would ask that question.
I attack the rapists and the people who cover up for them. I think most Catholics disagree with the Vatican on most of the points that concern you. Yet they keep funding them - I
wish they would stop. Next time you have a few
minutes, Google ANY American city and "Catholic sexual abuse" Sidebar:
Any Twins Peaks/David Lynch fans out there? Look
what came up: They're raping
children IN EVERY AMERICAN CITY Why aren't rank-and-file
Catholics demand that the rapes and the cover-ups stop? Pick
any town and Google "Catholic sexual abuse" and be amazed at what pops
up. I
have a lot of friends who are decent people and identify themselves as
Catholic, If
I believed strongly in my religion and if I loved my Church, I would
not sit quietly while these Someone should start Catholicsagainstrape.com and
pressure the Vatican to allow Why give
the Catholic Church one more dollar to pay off their victims? Make them sell their Da Vinjci paintings
to pay for those victims. Note:
If you agree with me, mouse over this Share link and send this story to
five friends. Obama's too busy going after pot smokers
and poker players and local prosecutors, for some reason,