BCR 119 - Sopranos talk - second
last show
Hey Bart!
As usual, good radio, dude! The voice is
not what I would consider to be rat-like
(and, having over twenty years in the radio biz,
so my opinions are reality-based),
the beatdowns were good, and the Sopranos analysis
was very entertaining.
I'd be really interested in what you think about
the last episode,
and I won't prejudice anything by saying any
more on that subject.
I also think you got some of your Sopranos comments
exactly right:
- Tony should have contacted everyone right away,
and put them on war footing.
- I didn't catch the Paulie / Sil phone thing.
But, you're right, if that's what happened, Sil was completely idiotic.
- Bobby was mondo stupid. I knew he was
toast as soon as the phone started ringing
in the car right after he got out
to go into the hobby shop. Idiot!
- Carm was very stupid arguing with Tony when
she should have been getting ready to run.
Her friend caught on way before
she did, and acted like a mob wife should have.
- AJ was a complete moron. I would have
smacked him too.
- of course all of the mobsters should have been
in gang war mode as soon as Tony found out that
war had been declared. Especially
the management. They looked waaay too relaxed, and they paid the
price. Idiots!
- 'curbing' or 'curb stomping' is a well known
practice. Usually fatal. Not only does it knock your teeth
it usually separates your jaw from your
skull. I'm glad they didn't show the gory details on that one.
But I have to disagree with you on a few of your
Sopranos comments:
- the Jersey boys brought foreigners in when they
hit a big boss in another gang, to get plausible deniability.
They did the same thing when they
whacked the Frankie Valli character. One would think (filling in
the gaps)
that the Italians they brought in
might have a smattering of English and enough smarts to recognize international
symbols and/or lettering on traffic signs.
- the money was always being hidden in different
places. They would keep some money on their person, but if
everybody knew that mobsters had
big coin on them at all times, they might get some funny ideas about
ambushing them and making it look
like inter-family warfare. Maybe Tony didn't want to start digging
the back yard in the middle of hiding
himself. On the other hand, he could have gotten what was left in
bird feed pretty quick, and used it on
the getaway. If Carm hadn't already taken it all...
- the gun was the one that Bobby gave him a few
episodes ago. Automatic with cop killer bullets.
He could have held off a platoon with
that thing. I was thinking that I wouldn't want to be the member
of Tony's gang that would have to burst
into the room and warn him about something unexpected coming up.
- if you keep your cell phone on, can't you be
tracked and located that way? I would think that you should
keep it on at certain (agreed upon, but
different very limited times each day) time to pick up messages and/or
instructions, if you were trying to hide
from a whole bunch of mobsters who might have connections that
could track cell phone signals.
- why would these mobsters go anywhere that they
were connected to in any way at all? I would think
(again filling in the gaps) that Tony's
mom's old house would be well known to many people, including
some of Phil's bunch, and thus staked
out and reported on when the Joisey Boyz moved in.
- Phil was not the head of the NYC mob - he was
leading one of the five mob families that ran NYC.
I think I remember them mentioning him
being the head of the Brooklyn mob.
Dude, thanks for that.
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