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There is a high-powered New York publicity team that's going to help
the size of the bartcop.com hammer. So far, I am damn
impressed with their work.
We searched high and low for the best place to make our splash.
We looked at print media, but decided we'd get more bang for the buck
if we did everything online, because it's just a click away.
We looked at every web site we could think of.
Most of the sites lefties might visit don't have any ads.
That may be for the same reason that an anti-Hillary book will sell millions
but the press
won't even mention Newt putting his hooker fees on his American Express.
So after looking at every option, we decided to put every dime (and
some dimes
that haven't materialized yet) into a one-day blitzkrieg, to use
a GOP term.
We got a much better deal than their posted rates, plus a bonus.
They said we got the great deal "because we all love you here and we
want to see bartcop.com make a big splash."
ha ha
...and I didn't even get a kiss!
We set up the blitzkrieg for the last full day we have under a smart
This New York group (shall I name you guys?) is writing some funny ads
and we have a top-notch graphics expert putting the ani-gifs together.
This famous web site is going to feature three bartcop.com banners
on their
home page until every liberal on the web sees them. (Should take a day.)
I need to start saving my very best stuff to be put up at midnight on
the 18th.
So if you send me a really good story or cartoon (that's not time sensitive)
don't be surprised if it gets run that day.
If every liberal in America is going to read bartcop.com that
day, that issue
will have to sparkle like Susan McDougal at the Hardon Kenny lynching.
But, (there's always a but...)
I expect to have the money to cover the check by then.
You wouldn't believe how much advertising costs.
We could've done Vegas in style for what we're paying them,
but we want to be the Number One Smirk ridicule site on the Internet
Every time Smirk offers to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Cheese
we want people to know they can get the whole story right here!
Is this a gamble?
You bet your ass.
Our choices are to teeter on the edge of extinction or fight,
and I'd rather fight than teeter any day.
You remember that classic Star Trek Galileo 7 where Spock and Scotty
and the black guy from
Land of the Giants were stuck in the planet of cavemen with bad
They didn't have enough fuel to make it back to the Enterprise, so Spock,
in a wildly emotional moment, decided to set fire to every drop of fuel
they had
to create a giant, one-second "emergency flare," hoping to draw attention.
Scotty said, "Jesus Christ, Spock! Are ye daft?"
But then he smiled real big and said,
"Crikey! You were sending up a distress signal! It was a good try,
even if it didn't work,"
and then they resigned themselves to dying.
Of course, since it was a TV Show, Sulu saw the flare and told Capt
I mean Capt Kirk, and the show had a happy ending, as always.
Back to reality...
Will the giant, one-second emergency flair work?
Or will it just fry the ram in Marc Perkel's server?
Will the extra exposure bring in enough new readers to make a second ad
...or are we just jerking off?
(homage to Mel Brooks and Richard Pryor...)
I guess we'll know in two weeks.
Isn't it exciting, though?
Taking the big gamble?
But, ...what else can we do?
Sure, we're picking up a couple of dozen new readers a day,
and by my good Catholic math, by the end of Smirk's second term,
we'd have about one-tenth of one percent of the Gore popular vote total.
Teetering isn't something I can do forever.
I'm getting old, and the GOP is getting stronger.
Even though the Democrats won the popular vote in the last three
the whites-only, religiously-insane, gun-toting tobacco whores now control
the White House,
both Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the military and the media.
We can't sit back and whine as the GOP continues their successful takeover.
We have to FIGHT!
We can't wait!
I don't care what Sollozzo says about a deal.
He's gonna kill Pop, that's it.
That's the key for him - we gotta get Sollozzo.
...whoops, sorry, that's from Godfather One.
But we can't wait either.
We can't let them build up their strength.
We've got to stop them early.
We've got to stop them like they should've stopped Hitler at fucking Munich.
We have to FIGHT and we have to FIGHT NOW!
Jesus Christ, they've already taken over!
If we don't fight back now, we may as well just start building pyramids.
We've got two weeks to raise some money and prepare the big issue.
I figure over 50,000,000 people are going to have a bad feeling in their
stomach when they watch that moron mangle the oath of office.
"I hereby swallowly snare..."
The time to strike is upon us.
We can fight back, or we can be sheep.
Five weeks from today, maybe we'll have a bigger, stronger bartcop.com
or maybe the gamble will have failed, it's impossible to say.
But I'll be goddamned if I sit back and watch that idiot Smirk and Tom
and whites-only Trent Lott take over what's left of our freedoms without
a fight.
We've already lost the right to vote - what's next?
Look at it this way:
Susan McDougal went to prison for YEARS to prevent them from winning.
Susan McDougal is a trooper!
Nobody's asking you for a sacrifice that big.
Maybe just a mention to a friend or a few bucks to feed the advertising
We need the BIG hammer working overtime.
I say we give the mother-effers hell!
I say we FIGHT BACK!
bartcop.com thanks these people for their generosity
Michael Altose
Arizona Classic Sign Company
Damon and Jessica Antalek
Jerry Barton
Frank Blau
Ray Blessin
Joe Bartholomy (3)
Jerry Berwick
Daniel Bishton
Gary Boydston
Christopher Brown
Judi Brown
Pasquale Buba
William Burkhart
Raymond Coleman
Mary Colwell
Michael Conrad
Elizabeth Cortell
Dennis Courtney
Claire Craft *
Robert Creasey
Everette Davis
Mike Deehan
John DePaola
Barbara Dudley *
(for the Hammer)
Sam Duncan (2)
Susan Edmonds
James Ferguson
Lisa Flood
Cecilia Flowers
Dave Galloway
Erik Gayhart
Pam Green
Jamie Gregorian
Tara Guidry
Stephanie Hanson
Dave Hardison
Randy Haugen
Kevin Hayes
Ronald J Henry
Sharon F. H. in Arizona
Carrie Hines
Bill Iltzsche
KdlPM from Fla
Paul Jeromack
Teresa Keane
Alan Knutson
Jeffrey Larsen
Ben Larson
Tha Last Liberal
J. D. Lindsay *
Christian Livemore
Anne Lloyd
Mike Madarasz
Bhaskar Manda
Kelly McKenzie
David McNiel
(For: Freedom & Reason)
Annette Messina
Henry Meyers
Daniel Montes
Buz Murphy
John Nadzam (2)
Ed O'Farrell
Sean O'Gara
Steve Openshaw
Our Glass
Keith Palmer
Al Paschall
Marc Perkel ***(x50)
Rayne Poussard
Vicky Reaves
Emiodio Rebelo
John Roark
Debra Roberge (2)
CJ Rosenstiel
Yvonne Scholl
Steven Schmitz
Donald Semmons
Patrick Shannon
Doug Sharp
Glenn R Smith
Denise Steinberg
Roger Tait
Benjamin Taylor
Craig Thompson
Paul Thompson
Robert Thompson
Robert K. Thompson
Hermann Thoni
Skip Tucker
Spider and Alice
Jeff Wagner
Philip Webster
Andy Wiesner
Elizabeth Wilding-White
Robert Doyle Williams
Steve Whisenant
Charlie Wright
Serdar Yegulalp
Miguel Yznaga
If you have contributed and don't see your name,
that means it either got lost or I've made a mistake.
Either way, let me know...
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