Subject: thanks to you
Hey bart,
Thanks to you.
You have shown the way for over ten years with
nothing but a modem, a smart mouth and the truth.
I first found you when you bought a pop-up on, I think. That was one of the smartest things
you ever did. I checked you out and that was
one of the smartest things I ever did.
Every night these days I watch the silent roll
of the kid we lost in this stupid war. Twenty year old women
and men from small towns all over America. Thirty
year old Sargents. And I admit I cry.
I managed to talk my kid out of joing up a couple
years before Bush came in. I had the help of a few
Nam combat vets. I was in the Navy from 62 to
65 but never was in country. My kid is almost thirty
now and doing fine. Yes, he has thanked me and
my friends many times. I can't imagine living if his face
appeared on the roll and I think about the fathers,
mothers, sisters, brothers, friend and strangers like me
who cry every night.
I tend to agree with you that the 'left' is Hillary's
biggest problem.
Both sides demand purity if not sainthood from
thier candidates and don't see how foolish that is when
you are dealing with human beings. I only ask
competence and honesty. Also in short supply in politics.
My old Mac and broken income won't allow me to
listen to your radio stuff but that's okay.
I don't really have the time to read everything
on the web site as it is.
Give my love to the "Entertainment" woman. What
a job! (I think he means Marty's
I watched the full moon set over the ocean this
morning and thought about what the next few moons will bring.
I think the Democrats are finding their testicles.
I think the Bush boys are falling apart piece by piece and both
of those are good things. I hope that I am right
and that some day an old Okie like you and an old hippie like
me can raise a shot glass of cactus juice and
a can of beer to a peace that we have wanted for so long.
Keep swinging that hammer.
"If I had a hammer I'd swing it in the morning,
I'd swing it in the evening, all over this
It's the hammer of justice. It's the hammer
of freedom.
It's the hammer of love and peace all over
this land."
Be gentle with yourself,.
Ps. Don't forget the Rev. Billy's three rules
for universal peace and justice.
Rule #1 Everybody eats.
Rule #2 Nobody hits.
Rule #3 There is no third rule.
Billy, thanks - kind words are in short supply these days, almost as
short as money..
I will fix you up with a subscription to BCR.
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