would be surprised if you had some evidence to back that up. He never said cops don't shoot people,
he clearly stated that they are restricted in when they can. Instead of characterizing what Jack said, why
not quote him? His exact words were: He just said Cops are NOT allowed to take a life if they
think it needs taking, which to me is "Cops are only allowed to shoot at
people in direct defense of armed attacks against themselves or others." Please don't make stuff up. I do not
understand the charges you are making. Bottom line: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
that you just didn't read or understand Well, that's might white of
you, granting that's it's possible I'm
not a lying fraud. Why do my opponents often fall
into the personal-insult style of debate? Nobody's arguing with you that in
situations of imminent danger to cops or civilians the use of deadly
force is okay. Really? They are saying that the extra judicial
killing of an American citizen is wrong whether a cop does it or the
President does it. That's
your hang-up? The phrase "extra judicial?" If you believe the President or cops
can kill on their whim, that's just your opinion. Actually,
that's my opinion, and Obama's opinion and his Justice Department's
opinion and I dare say I daresay, most people would be against cops doing that, but, alas, it seems they don't mind the President doing it. You would be wrong. You will probably come back with the
threat of airplane bombings, again. Now
why would I focus on something so trivial as the downing of an airliner?
If I was in a falling, exploded aircraft, I hope I'd have the time to explain to my fellow passengers that we could have lived out the rest of our lives, but Obama refused to get "extra judicial" with terrorists. Poor Obama - he finally gets one right and he catches hell for it. I've yet to see evidence that Awlaki
operationally planned any such attacks or any other terrorist attacks
against the US.
As far as we both know, no Americans civilians have lost their lives as a direct result of Awlaki actions. If they have please direct me to that substantiated evidence. Bill
Saying Awalki has not directly
killed anyone YET is tantamount to saying, You're saying we should've
waited until after Awlaki
brought down a plane to take him out? As
far as evidence, surely you're not suggesting that the White House
publish a list of our
notice that I didn't attack you, I attacked your willingness to give
the murdering terrorists a break.