Subject: a donation and a complaint from Prague I
have gone back and visited your website a few times and as always, it
has been very But
I'm a pacifist with high blood pressure and I find your unfailing
tendency You
can't seem to understand that when it comes to matters of "national
security," Oh
well, leopards can't change their spots, so the two of us will probably
never see It's
not your fault - even the "progressives" in the press are in love with
President Murderator. That
said, I have derived great enjoyment over the years from
reading your observations and I
hear Southwest is going to Europe soon, if it hasn't already. PS.
Your PO Box (Box 54466) is a lovely cribbage hand - 24 points!
Dictionary.com's first
definition of "pacifist" reads this way: I've often used this example: It's my opinion that Martion Luther King
and Bono and John Lennon and Ghandi would ALL
fight to save their kids, so the meaning of the word "pacifist" needs to be fixed. It should read, - a person who exhausts every possibility before resorting to violence. I am not accusing you but IF you're the type of guy who'd rather see some thugs steal your kids and possibly condemn them to a very short life of aggravated sexual abuse, then yes, you and I would have very little in common. IF you think Obama is a murderer, then you probably think Clinton is a murderer. It would then follow that every US president, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, is a murderer, so you may be seeing "murderer" where everyone else just sees people. You were very unspecific with your "toe the line" comment. I back Obama when I think he's right and I disagree with him when I think he's wrong. I have no idea if your accusations involve Israel or Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya or Syria or Egypt or Yemen or Lebanon - there's a lot going on. I don't think I've ever said, "We should bomb those brown people and steal their oil." Perhaps you were angry and not thinking clearly when you made that assertion? Yes, we were lied to about 9-11. The Democrats were just too timid to speak up and Obama wanted to look forward so he could free his Justice Department to chase after pot smokers and poker players. We'll never know what happened that day. Europe has a different history than America. We can't change the past but if we elect the right men - or keep the wrong men from seizing power - maybe we can steer the world towards a less violent future. That Hemp Oil Treatment sounds nice... Don't be a stranger and thanks again for the donation.