Subject: what is it with these
f-ing Democrats?
Just what is it about the fucking Democrats that
makes it impossible for them to LISTEN TO THEIR BASE?
What is it about clowns like Rahm Emmanuel that
makes it easier for them to throw Progressives like you,
me and Howard Dean under the fucking bus, but
continue kiss Lieberman's ass and refuse to discipline him
and make a very public example of his disloyalty
by stripping him of his chairmanship?
With Democrats, it's all about being nice and
playing fair.
If victory knocks on their door, they might answer
but they damn sure won't fight for it.
Winning is fourth or fifth on the Dem's priority
Hell, it's obvious that having 60 votes doesn't
mean jackshit.
The GOP never had 60 votes and they rammed home
all sorts of destructive laws.
With Republicans, winning comes first, fair or
They do what they want and they tell our mouse-y
Democrats to go fuck themselves.
Then the Democrats wet themselves in fear and
follow the GOP lead.
It makes me f-ing sick to my stomach that they
have no fight in them.
Until the Dems in Congress and the White House
understand that they're going to lose until
they listen to US AND GET A SPINE AND A SET OF
GONADS I'm not going to give them
a fucking nickel. I'll vote with my nose closed,
but that's it.
With this Coakley loss, I hope they get the message.
I really doubt they will.
They'll just be more and more scared about the
November elections and give more
and more away to the GOP and the likes of Lieberman
and the Blue Dogs.
I fear you are correct.
Is a testicular implant covered under Obamacare?.
I've never feared more for my country than I have
these days.
I guess all I can do, Bart old friend, is be the
best single Dad to my young daughters
that I can be and try to prepare them to face
whatever future there may be.
Bob Witkowski
Time like this, I wish I believed in prayer :)
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