Subject: the scariest thing ever Hey Bart, You said "What they're hiding may be the scariest thing ever put on bartcop.com." Over at The Oil Drum www.theoildrum.com, commenter Dougr explains something scarier: http://www.theoildrum.com/node/6593/648967 The BP gusher contains oil, gas, water, and
a lot of sand. In effect, BP has built a high-power
The well casing is the only thing holding up
the 400-ton Blowout Preventer, which is apparently
This BP-engineered sandblaster is also tearing
away at the rock surrounding the well casing,
Is this scary enough for you? Here's a good explanation of how offshore wells
are supposed to be drilled and explains why
http://www.treesfullofmoney.com/?p=1610 Our best to Mrs. Bart & Bart the Cat,
Oh well, I never liked seafood, anyway...