Just some thoughts on the recently completed republican convention.
"I am haunted by the vision of things to come!" Sen. John McCain
Compassionate Conservatives took to the streets of Philadelphia
Monday openly
weeping as they taught local homeless people how to make republican
sandwiches. Another group of weeping and crying students bussed
in from Bob
Jones University implemented their "Dumpster Angel" program for
the homeless.
One student, Justin Tyme, explained that "Bob Jones feels that
angels feed
the homeless. He was visited in a dream by a Dumpster Angel,
who told Bob Jones he needed to feed the homeless. So we are
here to teach
street people the best dumpsters to forage in and the angel Randiangelo
provides the Divine dumpster manna from Heaven."
With tears streaming down his face Justin said, "It's like we
are with Jesus
feeding the masses with a few loaves of bread and day old fish."
Much has been said about the republican big tent of inclusion
and no one gets
left behind. The first night showed that promise when every kind
of minority
was featured, never to be seen again until four years from now.
Gay persons
were given their moment to shine when openly gay republican representative
John Kolbe of Arizona got to speak to the convention and wasn't
arrested by
the religious right and Mary Cheney wasn't burned at the stake.
The Texas
delegation instead of walking out bowed their heads and prayed.
Praying that
Kolbe would disappear I imagine. Watching this drama play out
left me just
teeming with the feelings of inclusion.
Powell's Colinary
Colin Powell showed he is no fool and played both ends against
the middle
stating he would pretty much take a job in either administration.
of the Vegas Trap.
While watching John McCain, my mystery guest stated they knew
Morse code and
with his eyes McCain was taping out...---..."dont believe me...---I'm
held against my will....----....send help soon...----I see...----
live Bush's!"
Dick Cheney (R draft dodger) got up to speak and the band played
"Don't fence
me in." A tribute no doubt, to Matthew Sheppard. Mr. Mean, alias
Dr. NO,
talked about President Clinton and said "the man from Hope goes
back to New
York." This statement coming from a man who just changed his
registration from Dallas to Wyoming.
The theme for the convention was prosperity for a purpose and
for a purpose, although no one ever explained what this all meant.
The way Newt and Bob Livingstone were interviewed, I thought
the theme might be Adultery with a Purpose.
Party Hardy with Dick Armey
Interesting to see an obviously drunk Dick Armey trying to be
purposeful on
camera. Just hanging out with all his rowdy friends. Intoxication
with a purpose.
It's been said that Satan's greatest trick is making men believe
he doesn't
exist. GW Bush, republican candidate for president has taken
a page from this
handbook and is attempting to make voters and the media accept
that the mean,
hate filled, big business controlled republican party no longer
Kinder, Gentler II, The Sequel.
Bush wants to "Ensure that America's prosperity has a purpose."
What the
Vernon Lee Howell does that mean? That you and I "the little
people" get a
piece of the higher pie? I think it means, Big Cancer, Big Oilly,
and Big
Health Care-Couldn't-Care-Less get more money in their coffers.
If you have
doubt just look at Poppy Bush's arm twisting of the Kuwaiti's,
and Viola! Big
Oilly's profits doubled and tripled last quarter as we paid higher
pie gas
prices at the pump. Don't forget, home heating oil prices are
said to triple
this winter!
Another stealth theme of these grifters is to claim, "We don't
want to leave
any children behind." That's why Texas makes it extra difficult
to get health
care benefits to George's kids. I'll believe it when George and
Laura spend
two weeks living in a shanty in the Colonias.
George said they were going to fix Social Security and also he
wouldn't touch
it. ....What? "To the seniors of this country, you earned your
benefits, you
made your plans, and President George W. Bush, will keep the
promise of
social security, NO changes, No reductions, NO WAY!" Was it just
me or did
that sound like, "Read my lips, no new taxes."
Health Care plans are now free aspirin to seniors, a zero tolerance
towards bleeding and the new inner city and rural health care
plan called
"Walk it off."
George's tax cuts, left Texas, a state that has no state income
tax, with a
gigantic budget shortfall that has legislators scrambling to
cover it. Jidge
proclaimed, "I'm glad I'm not there to deal with it."
Seeing all the Bush's on stage after Dubya's speech gave that
creepy feeling
of Vuja De all over again. Don't be fooled by all the nice talk
and the
"we're different now" approach. Look at the voting records, the
the hate. This Master Midland Mephistophelean con man is promising
you more
money, more youth, more happiness, when all you have to give
him is your peace,
no boys in body bags, your jobs, your prosperity, and of course,
your Soul!
(Please buy my new book - Greatest Puke Stories,
published by BartCop Press. Only $19.95)